Using Undertheradar

Venue Owners

  • Create a venue page (if it exists claim editing rights)
  • Add gigs to UTR choosing your venue to have the gigs appear on your page
  • Members can also subscribe via RSS, iCal, google calender and more
  • Sell tickets - use UTR to sell your tickets. We provide a seamless easy to use event system, including barcode scanning and real time monitoring, as well as UTR promotion
  • Advertise/promote your venue on UTR. We have many advertising options for all budgets - see our ratecard here


  • Contact UTR about getting set up
  • Sell tickets - use UTR to sell your tickets. We provide a seamless easy to use event system, including barcode scanning and real time monitoring, as well as insite promotion
  • Advertise/promote your event on UTR. We have many advertising options for all budgets - see our ratecard here